Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ryan...YOU are fun!

Ryan is three. He's got the most infectious laugh and loves to explore. Ryan gave me the tour of the local City Park and entertained me with stories and silly faces. I adore him. I think he could have played all day, and there's something to be said for that frame of mind. Sometimes I think we should take an hour or two to run around in the park, chase ducks, make goofy faces and laugh out loud. Thanks for reminding me, Ryan. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle. Thank you for making getting Ryan's pic's taken fun. He is still asking to go back to the park and get his pictures taken by "that girl"

Michelle Waters said...

Haha! I love it! I'm glad everyone had as much fun as I did. Ryan is really a cool kid. :)

Unknown said...

Hello Michelle. Grandpa had fun also. Ryan is certainly a blast to be with, he makes life's problems go away.

Michelle Waters said...

Absolutely! I'm right there with you, as you know! :) And I'm glad Grandpa had fun, too. :)