Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Neely and Ryan-A-Ma-Zing!!!

I loved the energy Ryan and Neely had together, from the first second I met them. Granted, I actually met Neely first (which was great, in and of itself), but then when I saw these two newlyweds-to-be together for their engagement session (they came in all the way from Alaska-eek!, I felt right at home. They are the perfect blend of sappy, campy, and just genuinely kind. They even did the "Dirty Dancing" lift during the shoot, while I sang along for inspiration. Haha!

Well, once the wedding came around last month, I knew it would be a great experience before we even started. The whole day was stunning, with beautiful decorations and weather (especially for an unpredictable October wedding in WV). And we even did all the pictures beforehand, (which just makes the party come that much faster) at the carriage house right next to the little chapel used for the ceremony. This location was just beautiful, classy, perfect. And after the sweet and super fast ceremony, we even had a few minutes before the reception started to get some romantic shots out on the golf course (At Lakeview Resort in Morgantown). I have a warm place in my heart for Neely and Ryan, who's kindness is only matched by their ridiculous good looks.

And what a reception! Btw, I still have my little pink ribbon on my camera strap. :)

I sincerely hope Alaska is keeping you as warm as possible. Maybe next time you see the Northern Lights, you'll think of me just for a sec. ?

1 comment:

Neely said...

I still haven't seen any northern lights since then but I am seeing volcanic ash! haha. Thank you so much- I ADORE my pictures- I am addicted to looking at them! Glad you still have your pink ribbon! :)