Thursday, November 27, 2008

Or is it business in the in the back??

So now that I'm almost caught up with wedding entries (I'm up to Mid-October!), I thought I'd reward myself with a little Max goodness. Yay!

And here it request of Darcie, and thanks to the Taylors, the DOGGIE MULLET WIG!!! Hooray!! I am NOT making this up-Max got it as a gift from Michelle and Chris (and Daisy, Max's girlfriend) Taylor just a couple of weeks ago. And if I ever get sad or stressed, I pull this thing out and instantly feel much better.

Note Max's super-awesome rock star impressions. He was not yawning or trying to pull the wig off at all-just rockin' it out. Seriously. ;)

But how can you not look at him in his metal hair and smile? Right?

Also, in the bottom pic, if you make it bigger, note how the hair color brings out his eyes...

Happy Turkey Day, everyone! Be grateful for everything (as everything is important to what we become), and I'll catch up with you more, soon!!


~Darcie said...


Michelle Waters said...

Haha! You're welcome. ;P

Anonymous said...

That is the funniest thing I've ever seen! Max looks GREAT! I laughed so hard I nearly cried - love it!