Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Me in 61 years :)

So, one of the most inspirational sessions I've had recently involved meeting Dennis and Ruth. They were celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary, and (they and their family) wanted some new pictures taken. I was moved by how much they were still in love, and swore to be just like them in 61 years-more in love than ever. I was also touched that they chose me to share their anniversary with. :) If these images don't make you smile, I don't know what will. :)


Tammy Chambers said...

Michelle. This is an awesome post. What an honor to be chosen to photograph this couple.

Michelle Waters said...

Thanks, Tammy, my new forum BFF. :) Sometimes life just hands you the coolest opportunities.

Anonymous said...

These are the most adorable people. You really captured the passion that they still have for one another.